Monday, April 9, 2007

Obama Wusses out of CBC/FOX debate.

According to Politico Obama has dropped out of the scheduled Congressional Black Caucus/Fox News debate. He has instead decided to participate in the CNN event.

This is such a cowardly / grossly-pandering act.

Ignore the fact that Fox's audience dwarves CNN's, and you can very clearly see why Obama dropped out of the event. He is a coward. The far left of the party has done all they can to ruin the Fox debates, because they hate Fox. In order to make the kos kiddies happy he decided to pull out. He is pandering to the extreme left of the party, because he obviously thinks he needs them to win the nomination.

I can't wait to see the debates. I predict he will fail completely. Once the candy coating is rinsed off of him, he will be exposed for the empty suit he is.